meowdy! o/
hello, and welcome to my little corner of the vast interwebs! this website is still very much under construction, so bear with any broken links, or disheveled pages - they're slowly being worked on!
oh gods what do people even put on their home pages?? uh... feel free to explore the tiny bits that are available! I'm hoping to decorate more pages in the upcoming days.

i work full time, and i'm hyperfocusing on coding and what not in the evening/night afterwards (it's not been good for my sleep habits). even though this is an all consuing brain rot, i do have other obligations during the week that need my attention, and so some things may be left unfinished unintentionally.

let's see how much i devolve back into my 12 yo self when i begin writing out blog posts and what not. how unhinged will i become once the flood gates open?
hope ya'll stay for the ride!

take care
- enfys